Friday 20 December 2013

Into the World

I have spent the last couple of weeks preparing a submission package - covering letter, synopsis and three chapters. The first job was to research the agents that I had already identified; who do they represent? what are their specific requirements in terms of a submission? etc. I kept the covering letter short (one page) and included: why I was writing to them, a little bit about me, a couple of sentences on the novel and why I believed that a publisher would be interested in it. The synopsis took almost as long to draft as a chapter of the novel. I remembered how frustrating it was when I did an internship at an agency to read a synopsis that was several pages long and set out every plot turn and character. A synopsis needs to be a one page summary of the novel which sets out the narrative arc of the novel, key plot turns and the impact of those on the key character(s). It is important that the tone of the synopsis
both matches that of the novel and the expected tone of the genre. Even the chapters took time to format as agents have different requirements. Finally, I ensured that it was printed on good quality paper and included the all imporatant stamped self addressed envelope.
I have posted both submissions and expect to wait anything up to three months for a response. I will now turn my attentions back to revising for my viva which should take place in the spring.    

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