Saturday 12 December 2009

Too Few Hours

On returning to lectures I had planned to update my blog each week but full time work, home work and course work have rather got in the way. We have covered a really wide range of subjects in the last few weeks including literature and art, realism and the formal reader. This module has been very beneficial in that I have seen a completely different side to writing and have a greater understanding of what so many authors have achieved. The only issue is that because we have covered so many topics I have been unable to go into the depth that I want to but I can always do that in the future. The area that I have focussed on is the relationship between painting and narrative fiction. I have finished my 3,000 word essay and am now working on my creative piece. It's hard work (it took me two hours to get down 200 words that I was happy with!) but I have enjoyed it.

Sunday 15 November 2009

Reviews and WW2

I have been very spoilt this week. Went to a post graduate seminar which included Erica Wagner (Times Literary Editor), Matt Thorne, Celia Brayfield and Fay Weldon. I had many preconceptions about book reviews/reviewers and was interested to hear just how passionate the TLS reviewers are about books and how carefully the reviewers are selected. However, reviews aren't everything - the most likely reason someone reads/buys a book is through a recommendation from a friend. I also went to a talk in the evening titled 'Why does WW2 still fascinate?'. There were three authors - Justin Kerr-Smiley (Under the Sun), Roger Moorehouse (Killing Hitler) and Keith Lowe (Inferno - the Bombing of Hamburg). The latter two are non-fiction but Under the Sun is fictional. I asked how Justin managed to maintain a balance between the research and the writing and how did he deal with leaving most of the research out of the book. They all agreed that for fiction you should only research what you need. I know that's the case but I still find it hard!

Sunday 1 November 2009

Who Knows Where the Time Goes?

The weeks are going quickly now that I am back at lectures. Last week we looked at writer's block, inspiration and the muse. It was an interesting one for me as I must admit I found it difficult to relate to. Firstly, I don't get writer's block. I have days when I don't feel like writing or I can't find ways to say what exactly what I want to but I can still write something. I also struggle with the concept of the muse - this is just something that I haven't experienced. I do, however, appreciate that this is my experience and that there are many people out there who can relate to these concepts. I enjoyed the homework for last week - writing about someone with writers block. I wrote a piece entitled Story Collector which was about a woman who was trying to find the 'first' stories.
This week's homework is less enjoyable. The focus of this week's lectures was creativity and speech. There were very interesting examples of dialects, children's speech and Polari (a language based on italian and used by people in the theatre and latterly the gay community up until the 1960's). The reason I am not enjoying the homework is that I find it difficult to launch into dialogue without spending some time with my characters first.
Anyway, it is done now and I am content with it. I can now spend a wonderful afternoon doing more research for my coursework.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Under the Influence

Last week we covered imagination and the influence of alcohol, drugs and mental illness (my lecturer referred to the latter as madness which annoyed me). I have always been interested in the relationship between mental health and writers. A useful handout showed us the number of writers, artists and musicians who had suffered from depression and bi-polar but to be honest, as mental health affects one in four if us, it would probably be the case that one could identify a number of 'famous' people in any category of employment that had had mental illness at some point in their life.
I have started researching my coursework (a critical essay, creative piece and critical commentary - 6,000 words) and am getting happily lost in it. It isn't due until January but I do not want to be doing it at the last minute.

Saturday 10 October 2009


I have neglected my blog for a couple of weeks due to the fact that work is busy and lectures have started again. Last week I did a piece based on Shklovsky which involved taking a familiar object or process and de-familiarising it. I made cooking bacon and eggs a very mystical and lyrical experience! This week we looked at 'voice', including parody and pastiche. Homework this week is to look more closely at our own voice. I have to say that this would have been nigh on impossible a couple of years ago. It is only now with exploration and practice that I can step back from what I want to write and think about how I want to write it.

Monday 14 September 2009

How We Write

So far during my MA, I have looked at elements of fiction (plot, character etc) and the publishing industry. I am now doing some preparatory reading for the next module (theories of practice) and am absolutely fascinated. The focus of the reading so far has been on 'How we Write' (Mike Sharples 1999). I must admit, I spend hours doing research and thinking about/writing content but have never stepped back and looked at how I write. This includes everything from how our approach to writing changes from childhood to adulthood, varying approaches to planning, the difference between writing and reflection, the materials used, the working memory... The list goes on. I have had a few eureka moments where I have had confirmation that the the way I think while writing is both recognised and correct.

Sunday 6 September 2009

New Term

I've been on holiday, so haven't blogged for a while. I tried to stop thinking about the two books but they never really go away. I had a wonderful time in Barter Books, Alnwick working my way through hundreds of second hand books for my research. I managed to find some fantastic stuff. The Internet is a good initial research tool for historical fiction but nothing can take the place of records and contemporary accounts. I have registered for the second year of the MA and can't wait to get back to lectures.

Thursday 20 August 2009

The Plot

I have been quiet for a while as I have been reading what seems like every book ever written on plot. The majority are 'how to' books which I skim through but to be fair there are elements within them that are useful. I am really using them as triggers to help me get deeper into the two novel structures that I am working on and to identify key scenes. It is very hard work, particularly as I am developing two at once but it will be worth it. I can see by the changes that I have made to the various structure drafts, that if I were to have launched into the writing after a first draft I would have wasted a lot of precious time. There are issues around the fact that as you write, new ideas will come to mind, characters will develop etc. Indeed, separating the character from the plot is another issue - does the plot lead the character or does the character drive the plot. The key is that the plot provides something by which the character can show a change.

Saturday 8 August 2009


I have spent a blissful morning re-reading Aspects of the Novel by E.M Forster. First published in 1927, it is an absolute gem of a book. The contents include the Story, People, Plot, Fantasy, Prophecy and Pattern/Rhythm. Based on a series of lectures, it bridges the gap between academic and reader friendly. It is humorous in places and the language is beautiful. I strongly recommend it.

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Going Historical

A wonderful day. I have been working on my second novel plan (the plan is one of my assignments for next year). Again, an historical novel. I had done some initial research on my idea and drafted an outline which I was content with. However, I knew that once I started carrying out more detailed research I would find that certain elements could not have happened in the way that I planned. This is always a disconcerting moment but I cannot explain the feeling that I get when the story and the characters start to emerge from the detailed research. Wish I didn't have to go to work tomorrow and could carry on immersing myself in my study.

Wednesday 29 July 2009

End of an Era

A long day of writing today (I work compressed hours so that I can have a day per week dedicated solely to writing) and I have reached a milestone. I have finally completed the element of the MS that is written in a different time. Due to the diary form it is very detailed and succint. I started the original research several years ago and started writing it nearly two years ago. I will obviously need to put it aside and revisit it but I am thrilled to have done it at last. The remainder of the MS will require further research but the narrative form will be more free flowing and hopefully a little quicker to write!

Wednesday 22 July 2009

First Death

I had to kill off a character for the first time today. A secondary character but they had been with me for a long time. I felt quite pressurised to get it right, to do the right thing by them. I also felt for the main character. How strange is this? On a brighter note I have 7,500 words behind me. I have a small amount of historical research to do and then it is on to the contemporary narrative.

Thursday 16 July 2009

Telephone Directory

I enjoy reading anything, including text books and read quickly but have to admit that The Seven Basic Plots has kept me busy for three weeks. I would recommend it, particulary the first half which focusses on the seven plots. The second half considers why some works are not successful and and can be a little repetitive. It was good timing for me as I am already a way down the line in planning two novels and this book helped to consolidate what I had developed so far and identify elements that were missing.

Friday 10 July 2009

Silver Creativity

Back in May I said that it was important for writers to have creativity in their lives beyond the written word. I have just finished another piece of jewellery. It is so good to imagine something, design it and make it so that you can actually hold it in your hand.

Wednesday 1 July 2009


I think the heat has got to me. I have spent the day thinking about my second novel plan when I haven't finished the first novel yet! I should explain. As part of the MA we need to submit coursework setting out the plan for a novel beyond the one that we write for our dissertation. I have had a germ of an idea for a while and as I sat in a very hot library today waiting for my car to be serviced and reading The Seven Basic Plots, I found some inspiration. The trouble is I started thinking, mmm.. perhaps I could write this as my dissertation instead. I have managed to dissuade myself. All in good time.

Wednesday 24 June 2009

End of Term

Today was the last time our MA year got together. We heard the last round of presentations on agency/publisher placements. Am so glad that I am a part-timer as I am so enjoying the course I don't want it to end. We celebrated by having hot chocolate with Fay Weldon. I am now reading The Seven Plots by Christopher Booker. It will be interesting to see how it compares to Story by Robert McKee.

Sunday 21 June 2009


I have just discovered LibraryThing and am now spending time I should be writing cataloguing my books, seeing how many other people have catalogued them and their reviews. Scroll down to check out the cool widget.

Saturday 20 June 2009

Friends Reunited

I went back to see my writing group today. I first started going about five years ago in an attempt to see if I could write and also to try and introduce some discipline into my writing life. It worked and after a few years I was ready to start a novel. This then led me to take the MA. For anyone starting out writing, I strongly recommend joining a creative writing class. It is great to meet people from all walks of life, ages and backgrounds who all share a love of writing. It is also good to get practice in giving and receiving feedback. It was wonderful to see everyone again today and when my MA is finished I will be going back regularly.

Friday 12 June 2009

Meet the Author

Went to see John Harvey giving a talk at the local library. He has written 100 books and is now starting another degree (he was born in 1938 but even so - I had better get myself in gear!). Authors need to get out to sell their books, even John who is successful but can all authors deal with standing up in front of a room full of people and successfully entertaining them for an hour? Well, John Harvey is certainly good at it. He read from his poetry, a previous book for young adults and of course his latest book Far Cry. He talked about his writing career, inspiration and writing friends in a very engaging and open way. A very enjoyable evening.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Plan B

I have spent a very tiring day working on the plan for the second plot that runs through my novel. Typical of me to make life difficult for myself! This part of the novel is also set in the past so I have to make sure everything is absolutely correct. My brain actually hurts. However, it is worth it as I can now write to my hearts content knowing that I am going in the right direction.

Thursday 28 May 2009

Folk Tales

It is obviously necessary for a writer to read but it is also important to get as much creativity into your life as possible. For me that includes music and last night I went to see Seth Lakeman, a West Country folk musician. What I love about folk songs is that they tell stories, almost like an oral history, of times, places and people long gone. There are academics, particularly in the US that use folk music as an important source of evidence for historical and cultural studies. Not only can you sit back and listen to a tale but you can feel it through the language of the music. Check Seth out at

Monday 25 May 2009

Research, Research

Am doing well with my timetable and now getting on with research. I know I have to be careful because I love it and sometimes don't know when to stop! I am also planning a trip to the National Archives this week, can't wait. I want to have enough detail to take the reader into the world that I am creating but ensure a balance. That means only using a fraction of the information that I collect.

Monday 18 May 2009

Silent Movies

Went to Silent Clowns presented by Paul Merton last night. There were a few shorts and then a Buster Keaton feature - The Seven Chances. It was the perfect way to see the elements of a story. The main feature was eighty years old but still had the power to bring out emotions in an audience that is now so used to CGI.

Saturday 16 May 2009


This week a number of us gave our ten minute presentations on our publishing industry placements. My aim was to get across what I learnt in terms of my writing i.e. the fact that I have a long way to go and that good writing reflects a certain level of intelligence and maturity. I hope the presentation worked. It was good to see everyone again and hear about really positive experiences at agents, publishers and newspaper book reviewers. This module is the best on the course so far.

Friday 15 May 2009

Parisian Inspiration

Have spent five days in Paris and really got into The Story by Robert McKee. I had promised myself that I would finish reading it before starting the novel plan but got carried away on croissants and wine and have now completely changed the two main characters and their back stories. Unfortunately am now back at work and having to put my mind on less creative activities for nine hours a day.

Monday 4 May 2009

Summer Plans

As I work full time and study part time I know that I should use the Summer as effectively as possible. Me being me, I have written out a timetable for the next four months. It's rather detailed but at least it isn't in my head anymore. This month includes reading Story by Robert McKee and further background reading for the novel. I have already done eighteen months research but there are still some gaps. Of course, there will be some writing as well...

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Novel Plan

Before starting the MA I had a few chapters of my novel in draft. A year in and I can see it in a different light. It needs a lot of work. I have gone back to basics and decided to put together a novel plan before re-drafting. I have just finished reading Celia Brayfield's 'Bestseller' and am feeling very positive. There is an excellent guide to the elements of the 'heroic journey'. It is very generic and therefore does not stifle creativity. I can now not only see how the start of my novel fits with these elements but the end is starting to come into focus.

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Essay's End

Have nearly finished my essay which marks the end of a module on the publishing industry. Have researched online marketing and promotion of authors/books. I had no idea how many tools there were out there. There are even books published entirely in Second Life and in-world book signings!
This module has been a real eye opener but I miss writing my MS. Once this essay is in I am getting straight back to it. I am feeling so motivated - the novel is all I can think about.

Saturday 18 April 2009

LBF Masterclass

Went to the London Book Fair 'How to Get Published Masterclass' today and am feeling inspired. There were four key words - passion, professionalism, stamina and patience. I know that it is going to be a long haul but I always knew that. The writing is the important thing; I love it and I intend to enjoy the process however long it takes.
Kate Mosse was great to listen to as always and I really liked Lola Jaye. Danuta Kean was a great chair.

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Persephone Books

Just wanted to share details of a great bookshop in London - Persephone Books. They 'rescue' neglected books (fact and fiction) including some novels by women from the 1930's and 1940's. Bound in beautiful covers with specifically chosen end paper patterns for each novel. Check them out at

Monday 13 April 2009

The Beginning

Well , I have finally done it and started a blog. This is my way of being disciplined and keeping a track of my experiences and providing an idea of what it is like to take a Creative Writing MA. Am feeling particularly motivated this month as I have done some work at an agents and met Sebastian Barry. It would be great if I could post things that like every week but somehow I don't think that will happen!