Wednesday 22 April 2009

Essay's End

Have nearly finished my essay which marks the end of a module on the publishing industry. Have researched online marketing and promotion of authors/books. I had no idea how many tools there were out there. There are even books published entirely in Second Life and in-world book signings!
This module has been a real eye opener but I miss writing my MS. Once this essay is in I am getting straight back to it. I am feeling so motivated - the novel is all I can think about.

1 comment:

  1. oof... I stopped my project on literary agents because I wanted to be original, and thought social media would be right up my street...

    Turns out you and Sue are writing about the same subject!

    Well, it's too late now to change again. Hope you'll have lots of fun blogging!

    Cheers, Deborah
