Friday 27 May 2011

It’s All Academic Really

This week I attended a Post Graduate School induction for new researchers. This is all very new to me (although I have a BA (Hons) and MA I have been in the world of work for years), so I found it very useful. A Creative Writing PhD is a bit unusual as although there is a thesis, there is also a novel to produce as well. This means that the academic element e.g. presenting papers at conferences and submitting posters is not at the forefront of my mind. To be fair, though, I have only been going at it for five months. Spurred on by the induction, I have now joined Academia.Edu which facilitates networking between researchers. I have also researched upcoming conferences but have to say that due to the subject matter of my studies I have drawn a blank. I have hopes for next year. This week has also been busy in terms of study. I have finished the further background research on chapter three and redrafted the latter. I did eight hundred words today which is a record for me. I also went to the Imperial War Museum and spent another day with the sound archives.

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