Wednesday 5 January 2011

New Start

Today is my first day of studying. When my other half left for work this morning I felt guilty at being off work. When you do a taught degree it becomes real from the first lecture and the fact there is a term deadline. I am now in the wonderful but frankly scary position that I am in complete control of what I do and when, there are are no specific deadlines and no regular lectures where I can share thoughts and concerns with others. What I have got is a timeline on Excel and a tutorial on Monday. I spent today reading the first of many novels on the list and marking relevant pages ready for inputting into my research framework. I am not even touching the novel until next week. The good thing is it's already planned and that plan has been graded as part of my MA. You will have noticed that I have already started blogging as a distraction...Right, back to the study!

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