Sunday 16 February 2014

On The Up

After my last post, I received another rejection letter. This one was, however, very positive. It was generic but the first sentence was specific to my material. Rather than get down about it (and let's face it I'm hardly going to be picked up by one of the first agents that I submit to) I submitted to further agents who are currently accepting material and have a particular interest in historical fiction. I received another rejection within one and half working days. Is this a record? If the rest reject me then no matter; I will persist.
The fantastic news is that I have been accepted to speak at a conference in March. I am very excited to have an opportunity to get my research out there. 

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Post PhD Hand-In Blues

Since handing in my PhD I've been in the doldrums. Initially I was thrilled that I had completed on time and turned my attentions to preparing agent submissions and Christmas. However, once January arrived I found it difficult to adjust to no longer being obsessed with my study and associated deadlines. I understand that it's important to take time out to relax after such a sustained period of study but I wasn't enjoying it. A basic internet search revealed that what I was experiencing is common amongst PhD students. This week I have tried to change my mindset; focussing on revision for my viva and researching post doctoral options. I am fortunate to have full time employment but it's time for a change; that isn't going to happen unless I get off my backside and start taking practical steps rather than dreaming. 
I have received my first rejection slip from an agent. It wasn't a surprise as I expect to end up with a collection of them. It doesn't matter how many there are as long as there is one expression of interest. 
Here's to a New Year, a new outlook and of course more hard work.