Sunday 30 September 2012


I had a positive tutorial earlier this week. I submitted the first draft of chapters nineteen to thirty but also the first proper edit of chapters two and three. Good news re the latter – there were less comments in the margins and more ticks. The only issue is that in making my protagonist's desire clearer, she now comes across as rather selfish. Although we see her change dramatically by the end of the novel, few readers are going to find that out if they decide by chapter two that they don’t like her and put the book down. Fortunately, it’s a problem that can be easily fixed.

I started editing chapter six today. After the first read through I was appalled at how bad it is but thankfully I know why and what I need to do to fix it.

I hope to have a decent second draft of the novel by Christmas. After that, I’ll submit it to my tutor and prepare for the inevitable draft three. Yes, I know there will be a draft four, five, six... Writing a novel is not a quick, easy process. It is hard work, challenging and lonely but rewarding when those ticks appear in the margin.

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