Thursday 20 August 2009

The Plot

I have been quiet for a while as I have been reading what seems like every book ever written on plot. The majority are 'how to' books which I skim through but to be fair there are elements within them that are useful. I am really using them as triggers to help me get deeper into the two novel structures that I am working on and to identify key scenes. It is very hard work, particularly as I am developing two at once but it will be worth it. I can see by the changes that I have made to the various structure drafts, that if I were to have launched into the writing after a first draft I would have wasted a lot of precious time. There are issues around the fact that as you write, new ideas will come to mind, characters will develop etc. Indeed, separating the character from the plot is another issue - does the plot lead the character or does the character drive the plot. The key is that the plot provides something by which the character can show a change.

Saturday 8 August 2009


I have spent a blissful morning re-reading Aspects of the Novel by E.M Forster. First published in 1927, it is an absolute gem of a book. The contents include the Story, People, Plot, Fantasy, Prophecy and Pattern/Rhythm. Based on a series of lectures, it bridges the gap between academic and reader friendly. It is humorous in places and the language is beautiful. I strongly recommend it.

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Going Historical

A wonderful day. I have been working on my second novel plan (the plan is one of my assignments for next year). Again, an historical novel. I had done some initial research on my idea and drafted an outline which I was content with. However, I knew that once I started carrying out more detailed research I would find that certain elements could not have happened in the way that I planned. This is always a disconcerting moment but I cannot explain the feeling that I get when the story and the characters start to emerge from the detailed research. Wish I didn't have to go to work tomorrow and could carry on immersing myself in my study.