Wednesday 29 April 2009

Novel Plan

Before starting the MA I had a few chapters of my novel in draft. A year in and I can see it in a different light. It needs a lot of work. I have gone back to basics and decided to put together a novel plan before re-drafting. I have just finished reading Celia Brayfield's 'Bestseller' and am feeling very positive. There is an excellent guide to the elements of the 'heroic journey'. It is very generic and therefore does not stifle creativity. I can now not only see how the start of my novel fits with these elements but the end is starting to come into focus.

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Essay's End

Have nearly finished my essay which marks the end of a module on the publishing industry. Have researched online marketing and promotion of authors/books. I had no idea how many tools there were out there. There are even books published entirely in Second Life and in-world book signings!
This module has been a real eye opener but I miss writing my MS. Once this essay is in I am getting straight back to it. I am feeling so motivated - the novel is all I can think about.

Saturday 18 April 2009

LBF Masterclass

Went to the London Book Fair 'How to Get Published Masterclass' today and am feeling inspired. There were four key words - passion, professionalism, stamina and patience. I know that it is going to be a long haul but I always knew that. The writing is the important thing; I love it and I intend to enjoy the process however long it takes.
Kate Mosse was great to listen to as always and I really liked Lola Jaye. Danuta Kean was a great chair.

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Persephone Books

Just wanted to share details of a great bookshop in London - Persephone Books. They 'rescue' neglected books (fact and fiction) including some novels by women from the 1930's and 1940's. Bound in beautiful covers with specifically chosen end paper patterns for each novel. Check them out at

Monday 13 April 2009

The Beginning

Well , I have finally done it and started a blog. This is my way of being disciplined and keeping a track of my experiences and providing an idea of what it is like to take a Creative Writing MA. Am feeling particularly motivated this month as I have done some work at an agents and met Sebastian Barry. It would be great if I could post things that like every week but somehow I don't think that will happen!