Saturday 9 March 2013

Light at the End of the Tunnel

My goodness, it’s a long time since I posted here. I’ve been working flat out since Christmas but the good news is that I’m getting somewhere.
Last time, I blogged that I was out of the tunnel - that was a side one; I'm still in the main tunnel but there's light at the end.
I had a tutorial this week. My tutor had reviewed a further ten edited chapters and was very pleased with the result. The feedback is that it’s flowing and she really likes my protagonist. There are a couple of scenes to revisit but it’s about enhancement rather than starting again. I am still editing and aim to finish by the third week of May.
I have pulled the outline of my thesis together and designed an academic poster for a conference in April. I have fallen in love with PowerPoint; whatever the result I’ve enjoyed the process.
I have also volunteered to write a short story for an exciting initiative - more on this in future posts. Thankfully it relates to the research I have done for the novel.
Not long to go until I hand in (31/12/2013) and with any luck I’ll be able to submit my novel to an agent before then.