Saturday 12 December 2009

Too Few Hours

On returning to lectures I had planned to update my blog each week but full time work, home work and course work have rather got in the way. We have covered a really wide range of subjects in the last few weeks including literature and art, realism and the formal reader. This module has been very beneficial in that I have seen a completely different side to writing and have a greater understanding of what so many authors have achieved. The only issue is that because we have covered so many topics I have been unable to go into the depth that I want to but I can always do that in the future. The area that I have focussed on is the relationship between painting and narrative fiction. I have finished my 3,000 word essay and am now working on my creative piece. It's hard work (it took me two hours to get down 200 words that I was happy with!) but I have enjoyed it.