Wednesday 29 July 2009

End of an Era

A long day of writing today (I work compressed hours so that I can have a day per week dedicated solely to writing) and I have reached a milestone. I have finally completed the element of the MS that is written in a different time. Due to the diary form it is very detailed and succint. I started the original research several years ago and started writing it nearly two years ago. I will obviously need to put it aside and revisit it but I am thrilled to have done it at last. The remainder of the MS will require further research but the narrative form will be more free flowing and hopefully a little quicker to write!

Wednesday 22 July 2009

First Death

I had to kill off a character for the first time today. A secondary character but they had been with me for a long time. I felt quite pressurised to get it right, to do the right thing by them. I also felt for the main character. How strange is this? On a brighter note I have 7,500 words behind me. I have a small amount of historical research to do and then it is on to the contemporary narrative.

Thursday 16 July 2009

Telephone Directory

I enjoy reading anything, including text books and read quickly but have to admit that The Seven Basic Plots has kept me busy for three weeks. I would recommend it, particulary the first half which focusses on the seven plots. The second half considers why some works are not successful and and can be a little repetitive. It was good timing for me as I am already a way down the line in planning two novels and this book helped to consolidate what I had developed so far and identify elements that were missing.

Friday 10 July 2009

Silver Creativity

Back in May I said that it was important for writers to have creativity in their lives beyond the written word. I have just finished another piece of jewellery. It is so good to imagine something, design it and make it so that you can actually hold it in your hand.

Wednesday 1 July 2009


I think the heat has got to me. I have spent the day thinking about my second novel plan when I haven't finished the first novel yet! I should explain. As part of the MA we need to submit coursework setting out the plan for a novel beyond the one that we write for our dissertation. I have had a germ of an idea for a while and as I sat in a very hot library today waiting for my car to be serviced and reading The Seven Basic Plots, I found some inspiration. The trouble is I started thinking, mmm.. perhaps I could write this as my dissertation instead. I have managed to dissuade myself. All in good time.